Dear Cobham Park Church Family,
Yesterday, I heard that my grandson Shep took his first steps—four, to be exact. For months, he’d been crawling and pulling himself up to stand by gripping nearby furniture. He might carefully sidestep a bit while still holding on for balance (that’s “cruising” in parenting lingo), but he’d eventually squat back down to sit safely on the floor. But now, even though Shep’s little legs are still a bit wobbly, he finally knows that he can walk without a helping hand. His life—and ours—will never be the same!
A child’s development is gradual, yet astonishingly rapid from our adult perspective. For instance, parents often cry at their child’s weddings and say things like, “It seems like only yesterday that I was holding her in my arms!”
Jesus brings us new life when we give ourselves to Him in faith: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17, ESV).” I really do believe that. I believe that I’m forgiven through the cross of Christ, that His Spirit now lives in me, and that God is now transforming the way I think and act. But my growth seems so slow! Sometimes, like when I’m failing (again) to keep New Year’s resolutions, it seems like I’ll always be the same old Keith Williams. When it comes to Christian character, I’m still crawling and cruising. Eventually, my old selfish habits take over again, and I find myself back on the floor! Can I get a witness?!
I once vented about this situation to an older pastor, and he told me something I often share with others who impatiently struggle with slow sanctification. He said: “A squash takes a few months to fully mature. But a great oak tree might take a hundred years! So, which do you want to be: a squash, or an oak?”
Don’t give up following Jesus! “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God (Mark 10:27, ESV).”
In His Love,
Pastor Keith
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